Wednesday, August 15, 2012

30 Days Until Departure...

It's crazy to think that it's almost time. The years, months, weeks, and days seemed to go by so slowly. I can say with excitement that I'm ready for my next adventure.

For those of you who know me well, you are aware of my interest in German. This interest has taken me to Europe already a few times, allowed me to meet wonderful people, and have fun learning a foreign language. It has also enabled me to begin a new chapter in my life, which will take place in Vienna, Austria. Ever since I was a freshman at Western, sitting in German Language 101, I have always wanted to teach English with the Fulbright Commission. Several others from WOU had done it before me and I wanted to do it too. A couple years before I could even apply for the position, I kept track of application materials I would need and deadlines I would meet. With planning, determination and hard work, it all came true. Starting October 1st I will be a Teaching Assistant for the English classes at two schools in Gänserndorf, Austria. The town has roughly 10,000 inhabitants. Something very exciting about this transition is that I will be living in Vienna. This city is very special to me and I feel lucky to have lived there already. I'm looking forward to meeting many people, including other TA's, and allowing myself to have a fresh start.

So the job... my title is technically "englischsprachige Fremdsprachenassistentin." It's a mouthful, I know. English-speaking foreign language assistant is what I will be. It's funny, because I spent the past 4 years learning German, and tutoring others, and now it will be switched. I will be helping others learn my mother tongue while setting German aside. Not to worry though, I plan on using German every chance I get. In terms of language learning, it's fun to think about how far I've come. Entering college at 18, I had no idea what was in store for me. Yeah, I signed up for German 101, big deal. "Wie heißen Sie?" "ich heiß heißt Emily. I mean, ich heiße Emily!!! Why are there 6 conjugations for every verb....there's how many verbs?! Oh yeah, I guess we have that many verbs in English, too. Wait, what's the difference between "du" and "Sie"... Nominativ, Akkusativ, und Dativ... eh whatever, I'll focus on those later. Right? Oh.. Nevermind! Prepositions... What if I accidentally use du?? How do I say "advise" auf Deutsch... What in the world is a Bügeleisen? I accidentally left my dictionary somewhere...maybe? 

Okay, so that was a big exaggerated. In all seriousness, I had no idea how much work learning a language would be! Luckily for me though, I find it to be very fun. Just like a math nerd might find word problems and quadratic equations to be the highlight of  their day...   There will always be mistakes made when learning another language. The important thing is though to learn from it, accept that it will probably happen again, practice, and keep a positive attitude. 

I have 30 days left here in Hawaii until I depart for Austria. The difference between the two places will be huge. In addition to weather and overall climate, Austria will have the greenery that I'm missing so much here. Yes, Hawaii is green, but I'm talking about forests and rolling hills, pastures with cows, mountains that gather snow in the winter... Since I have been to Austria before, I have already witnessed the beauty of it. To witness it for 9 months...well, that will be a privilege. In all, I am beyond excited for this journey to begin. All I have left to do before departure is pack (yikes!), get all of my paperwork in order, finalize a couple things, and get on that plane. I will without a doubt miss the U.S. and my family and friends. Maybe you all will have to come visit my new home :) Always remember that the possibilities in life are endless, and if you really want something it will come to you...some way, somehow. 


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